Stand: 07.01.2004 

Copyright by Cramsession
MOUS Word 2000

Working with Text

Use the Undo, Redo, and Repeat command

To undo mistakes, go to the Standard toolbar and click the Undo button. Click the small black arrow to display a list of the most recent actions that you can undo. Keep in mind that when you undo multiple actions, you also undo all actions above it in the list. Should you decide that you did not want to undo an action, click the Redo button on the Standard toolbar. To repeat your last action, click Edit-->Repeat, or press the F4 key. Note that if you cannot repeat the last action, the Repeat command will change to Can't Repeat.


Apply font formats (Bold, Italic and Underline)

To apply bold formatting to text or numbers, select the text that you want to format, and click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar. Alternatively, use the CTRL+B keyboard shortcut. To apply italic formatting, click the Italic toolbar button or press CTRL+I. To add a basic underline, click the Underline toolbar button or press CTRL+U.



Use the Spelling feature

To spell-check a document, click Spelling and Grammar on the Standard toolbar or use the F7 shortcut key. Whenever Word finds a possible spelling error, it allows you to make your changes in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box. You can also edit a spelling error directly in the document by typing your correction and then clicking Resume in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.

Word 2000 flags individual words that do not appear in its built-in dictionary by placing a jagged red underline beneath the word. Review these words by right-clicking each underlined word. The resulting shortcut menu presents alternative word choices and the ability either to add the word to Word's dictionary or to open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box



Use the Grammar feature

By default, Word checks both spelling and grammar. If you want to check spelling only, clear the Check grammar check box in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box. By default, Word 2000 flags phrases and sentences that it perceives as grammatical errors with a green jagged underline. Right-click the phrase, and the resulting shortcut menu will provide suggestions and the ability to open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.


Use the Thesaurus feature

To find synonyms, antonyms, or related words, select Tools =>Language => Thesaurus. You can also find a synonym for a word by right clicking on the word and pointing to Synonyms on the shortcut menu.



Insert page breaks

To insert a page break, place the mouse pointer where the new page is to start, and then click Insert => Break. In the Break dialog box, select Page break. To remove a page break, switch to Normal View. Once there, click anywhere on the page break indicator and press Delete.


Highlight text in document


Word 2000's highlighting function works much like an ordinary highlighting pen. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Highlight button, and then select the text that you want to highlight. Click the small black arrow on the Highlight button to choose another highlighting shade. To turn off highlighting, click Highlight again or press the ESC key. By default, highlighted text appears in the printed document.



Insert and move text

By default, Word 2000 operates in Insert mode, where inserted text can be placed without overwriting subsequent text. Enable Overtype mode by double-clicking the OVR indicator on the status bar.



You can also move text by selecting the text to be moved, placing the mouse pointer anywhere within it, and dragging the selection to its new location in the document. This feature, called drag-and-drop text editing, can be toggled by selecting Tools -> Options, clicking the Edit tab, and clearing the Drag-and-drop text editing check box.


Cut, Copy and Paste Special using the Office Clipboard

Copying or moving text using Word 2000's Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special tools can be accomplished in four steps:

1. Select the text to be moved or copied.

2. Click the Cut or Copy buttons on the formatting toolbar. Alternatively, right-click inside the selected text and choose Cut or Copy from the shortcut menu.



3. Place the cursor in the destination location.

4. Click the Paste button on the Formatting toolbar, or right-click in the destination location and choose Paste from the shortcut menu.


You can also do the above steps using shortcut keystrokes: CTRL+C is copy; CTRL+X is cut; CTRL+V is paste.

The Paste Special command is useful for pasting text or graphics in a different format from which they were originally. In step four of the above procedure, clickEdit -> Paste Special.... For example, text copied from a browser in HTML format can be pasted into Word 2000 as plain text, greatly reducing potential formatting problems in the future.



Copy formats using the Format Painter

To copy paragraph or character formatting, place your cursor inside the paragraph that contains the formatting you want to copy. Next, click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar. Finally, select the paragraph or text to which you want to apply the copied formatting. Double-click the Format Painter to reapply the copied formatting multiple times. Click the Format Painter again or press ESC to turn off Format Painter.


Select and change font and font size

Word 2000 contains several ways to format font characteristics. All of them have one thing in common: you must first select the text for which you want to adjust font formatting.

1. Use the Font and Font Size drop-down list boxes on the Formatting toolbar.

2. Click Format => Font. In the resulting Font dialog box, adjust font and font size with the appropriate controls.

3. Right-click within the selected text and choose Font... from the shortcut menu. In the resulting Font dialog box, adjust font and font size with the appropriate controls.

4. Press CTRL+D. In the resulting Font dialog box, adjust font and font size with the appropriate controls.


Find and replace text


Find and Replace is actually one of Word 2000's most powerful features. To find and replace any text, click Edit => Find or press CTRL+F. In the Find and Replace dialog box, enter the search text and press Find Next. To replace any text, you can select the Replace tab directly from within the Find and Replace dialog box and specify the replacement text, or you can click Edit => Replace directly. (CTRL+G is the keyboard shortcut for Replace.)



Apply character effects (superscript, subscript, strikethrough, small caps and outline)

Character effects – like superscript, subscript, strikethrough and small caps – are all applied through the Font dialog box. Use one of the methods given above to locate the Font dialog box.

Here is an example: To make text or numbers superscript, select the text and click Format => Font. In the Effects portion of the Font dialog box, select the Superscript check box.

Do not confuse character effects with text effects, which are found under the Text Effects tab in the Font dialog box.



Insert date and time

First, place the cursor where you want to insert the date or time into your document. Second, click Insert => Date and Time. Under Available formats, select the appropriate date or time format. If you need the date or time to automatically update itself, place a check in Update automatically.



Insert symbols

To insert a symbol that does not appear on your keyboard, place the cursor in the document where you want to insert the symbol. Click Insert => Symbol. In the Symbol dialog box, select an appropriate font from the Font drop-down list box (the so-called "Dingbat" fonts, such as Webdings and Wingdings, are particularly useful for using custom bullet characters). You can click and drag the mouse pointer within the symbol set to magnify each symbol. Click Insert to place the selected symbol into your document.

The Special Characters tab contains frequently used symbols such as copyright, trademark and the em/en dashes.


Create and apply frequently used text with AutoCorrect


In addition to automatically catching common typing mistakes such as two INitial capitals, non-capitalized days of the week (such as wednesday or friday), and accidental usage of the cAPS LOCK KEY, you can also program AutoCorrect to replace shorthand keystrokes with longer text elements. For example, you can program AutoCorrect to replace your initials with your full signature. To do this, open the AutoCorrect window by clicking Tools => AutoCorrect.... Under Replace text as you type, you will find over one hundred pre-programmed AutoCorrect triggers. Create an AutoCorrect trigger by entering the trigger text into the Replace: text box. Next, enter the expanded text into the With: text box. Finally, click the Add button to add your new AutoCorrect entry to Word's library. Thereafter, AutoCorrect will automatically replace your trigger text with your expanded text. By default, the AutoCorrect library is available to all documents created in Word 2000.


Working with Paragraphs


Align text in paragraphs (Center, Left, Right and Justified)

To quickly and easily set paragraph alignment, place the cursor anywhere within the desired paragraph and click the Align Left, Center, Align Right, or Justify buttons from the Formatting toolbar. Justify forces the selected paragraph(s) to flush left and right. To do this, Word 2000 often creates extra spaces between letters and between words.



Add bullets and numbering

The Bullets button and the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar create either bulleted or numbered lists at the cursor location. An existing list can be converted into a bulleted or a numbered list by first selecting the appropriate text and then using the Bullets or Numbering buttons. To break off a bulleted or a numbered list, use one of these methods:

1. Press ENTER twice after the final list item.

2. Click either the Bullets or Numbering button.



To apply another style for a bulleted or numbered list, place the cursor anywhere within the list and click Format => Bullets and Numbering (alternatively, right-click at the cursor location and point to Bullets and Numbering...). In either the Bulleted or the Numbered tabs, select an appropriate list format and click OK.


Set character-, line-, and paragraph-spacing options


Character spacing refers to adding or subtracting space in between individual characters. Open the Font dialog box and click the Character Spacing tab. You can adjust either the kerning (space between characters) or the leading (how high text "sits" off its default baseline position) by making changes to the Spacing: and By: boxes. The Scale: drop-down list box allows you to scale selected text to several pre-set percentages. Scaling is useful for constraining a document to a certain number of pages.

To change line spacing or to add/subtract space between paragraphs, click Format => Paragraph. Choose one of the six line spacing options in the Line spacing: drop-down list box. For some options you will need to specify information in the By: text box. For example, to specify three spaces between every line, select Multiple for Line spacing: and 3 for At:.

To add or remove buffer space between selected paragraphs, adjust the values in the Before: and After: spin boxes.


Apply borders and shading to paragraphs

You can add a border to any or all sides of selected paragraph(s), to all pages in a document, to pages in a section, to the first page only, or to all pages except the first, in many different line styles and colors. First, highlight the appropriate paragraph(s), and then click Format -> Borders and Shading. The Borders tab gives you the ability either to choose a preset paragraph border style, or to design your own using different line styles and position options.

Paragraph shading is done under the Shading tab of the Borders and Shading dialog box. Choose a shade color in the Fill portion and a shading gradient in the Patterns and Style: area of the Borders and Shading dialog box.


Use indentation options (Left, Right, First Line and Hanging Indent)

Select the paragraph(s) to which you want to change line spacing or paragraph spacing, then click Format => Paragraph. Set paragraph indents by adjusting the values in the Left: and Right: spin boxes. Set first-line or hanging indents by selecting the appropriate option from the Special: drop-down list box and entering the appropriate measurement in the By: text box.

An alternative method for setting paragraph indents is by using the Indent markers on the ruler.



Yet another way to indent (albeit only a left indent) is by using the Increase Indent and the Decrease Indent buttons on the Formatting toolbar.



Use the Tabs command (Center, Decimal, Left and Right)

To set tab stops, select the paragraph then click at the far left of the horizontal ruler until the icon changes to the type of tab you want. The five different tab stops are shown and described in the following graphic:



After you have selected the type of tab stop, click on the horizontal ruler where you want to set a tab stop. To set precise measurements for tabs, click Format => Tabs.... In the Tabs dialog box, set precise values for the type(s) of tab stops desired in the document.



To move tab stops, place your cursor within the appropriate paragraph, and drag the tab marker on the horizontal ruler to its new location. To clear tab stops, simply drag the tab stop off the ruler into the document space.


Create an outline style numbered list

To change a bulleted or numbered list into an outline style numbered list, select the list, click Format => Bullets and Numbering and click the Outline Numbered tab. Select one of the seven preset styles or click Customize... to create your own.


Set tabs with leaders

A dot leader is normal seen in a table of contents, but you can create a dot leader at anytime by typing the text that will immediately precede the leader, and then clicking Format => Tabs. In the Tab stop position: area of the Tabs dialog box, type the position for a new tab, or select an existing tab stop to which you will add leader characters. Next, under Alignment, select the alignment for text typed at the tab stop. Finally, under Leader, click the leader style that you prefer and click Set.



Working with Documents

Print a document

To print a single copy of the active document using your default printer with its default settings, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar. To print with options, press CTRL+P or click File => Print.



The Print dialog box allows you to change the printer in use, set properties for that printer, adjust the number of pages to be printed, and the number of copies to be printed (among several other options).


Use Print Preview

To preview a document before you send it to the printer, switch to Print Preview mode by clicking the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar or by clicking File => Print Preview. Click anywhere on the document to zoom in; click again to zoom out.

The Print Preview toolbar is actually quite useful. You should spend some time getting to know each of this toolbar's functions.


Use Web Page Preview

Web Page Preview converts a copy of the active document to HTML on the fly and loads it into your default Web browser. To view your document in HTML format, click File => Web Page Preview.


Navigate through a document

There are several ways to navigate through a Word 2000 document. Here is a simple list of some of the most common methods:

  1. Using the horizontal and vertical scroll boxes.
  2. Using the scroll wheel (for those with a compatible mouse)
  3. Using the keyboard (do a search in Word Help for “move around in a document” for a very comprehensive list of available keyboard shortcuts)
  4. Using Word 2000’s Go To feature (see below for instructions).
  5. By using Document Map. Click the Document Map button on the Standard toolbar. The viewing area splits into two panes. The pane on the left contains a hyperlinked list of your document headings (if you have used heading styles). Click a hyperlink to jump to that portion of the document.



Note- you can return to your last location in the document by pressing SHIFT+F5. This is Word 2000’s GoBack command. For example, say you are reading a document online and you see a cross-reference on page 112 for a paragraph located on page 51. After scrolling to page 51, you should click to place your cursor and then press SHIFT+F5. Word 2000 will transport you to your original location.


Insert page numbers

To insert page numbers into a document, click Insert => Page Numbers. On the Insert menu, click Page Numbers. Under Position:, specify whether you want the page numbers at the top or the bottom of each page. Under Alignment:, specify the horizontal alignment of the page numbers. If you have a title page, for example, and do not want a page number on the first page of your document, clear the Show number on first page check box. Press the Format... button to specify advanced options, such as changing the number format or directing Word 2000 to reset numbering after section breaks. More information on page number formatting is provided later in this document.


Set page orientation


To change a document’s page orientation, click File => Page Setup =>Paper Size, and select either Portrait or Landscape. By default, the orientation change affects every page in the document. To change the page orientation for part of a document, select the text to which the orientation change will apply, open the Page Setup dialog box, and choose Selected text from the Apply to: drop-down list box. Word 2000 will automatically insert section breaks before and after the selected text to accommodate the change in page orientation.


Another method of opening Page Setup dialog box is by double-clicking inside the horizontal ruler.


Set margins

Although it is possible to set top, bottom, left and right margins by using the horizontal and vertical rulers in Print Layout view, a more precise method is by clicking File => Page Setup and adjusting the margin values listed on the Margins tab. In the From Edge: area you can specify how far from the top edge and how far from the bottom edge your headers and footers appear in your document.


Use Go To to locate specific elements in a document


To quickly jump to a specific page, table, or other browse object in the document, click Edit => Go To..., select what type of object you are looking for under Go to what:, specify the actual search string under the appropriate heading on the right side of the dialog box, and then click Next.

Two other ways to open the Go To... dialog box: CTRL+G, or by double-clicking anywhere in the status bar.



Note- Go To is an extension of the Find and Replace feature, and that they share the same dialog box.


Create and modify page numbers

To change the page number format, click in the appropriate document section if you are using different page number formats for different sections, or place your insertion point anywhere and click Insert => Page Numbers to open the Page Numbers dialog box. Any changes made here will be applied to the appropriate page numbers when you click OK. Click the Format... button to open the Page Number Format dialog box. If desired, select a different numbering style from the Number format: drop-down list box. Again, your changes will update the document when you click the OK button.


Create and modify headers and footers

To add headers or footers to a document, click View => Header and Footer. To create a header, enter your desired text or graphics in the header area. To create a footer, click the Switch Between Header and Footer button on the Header and Footer toolbar to move to the footer area.

Spend some time familiarizing yourself with all functions available on the Header and Footer toolbar.



When you create or change a header or footer, the header or footer appears throughout the entire document. To have a different header or footer for part of a document, highlight the section that is to be changed, and deselect the Same as Previous button on the Header and Footer toolbar.


Align text vertically

To change the vertical alignment of text (such as when creating a title page and you would like the text centered vertically), select the desired text, click File => Page Setup, click the Layout tab, and select the appropriate option from the Vertical alignment: drop-down list box.


Create and use newspaper columns


To convert selected text or an entire document into newspaper columns, select the appropriate text or press CTRL+A to select the entire document. Next, click Format => Columns. In the Columns dialog box, you can either choose one of Word 2000’s five preset column formats or design your own. If you choose to convert only selected text to newspaper columns, then Word 2000 will automatically place section breaks before and after the selected text to accommodate the different page formatting.

A shortcut method of creating newspaper columns is by clicking the Columns button on the Standard toolbar. Click it and drag to the right until you have the desired number of columns. When you let go of the mouse button, Word 2000 will create the desired column structure.




Revise column structure

To revise the column structure, highlight the section that you want to change and then click Format => Columns to open the Columns dialog box and make any necessary changes. Any modifications you make to column structure will be updated in the document as soon as you click OK.


Prepare and print envelopes and labels

To create either an envelope or a mailing label, click Tools => Envelopes and Labels, and then click the desired tab, Envelopes or Labels. Word 2000 places whatever address you have provided under Tools => Options => User Information in the Return Address: portion of the dialog box.

Word 2000 gives you the choice of printing one copy of an envelope or a label, adding the envelope to your document, or creating a separate document for your mailing label sheet.

Although the Envelopes and Labels function is fine for doing single envelopes or a for creating a sheet of single-address mailing labels, make sure to use Word 2000’s Mail Merge function for cranking out multiple-address envelope and mailing label sets.


Apply styles

A style is a collection of paragraph and/or character formats that you can name, save, and apply multiple times in your documents. Word 2000’s Normal template comes with over 90 built-in styles. The fastest way to apply a style is to select the appropriate text, point to the Formatting toolbar, and select a style from the Style drop-down list box.

To view, modify, and create styles, click Format => Style. Another location in Word to preview styles is the Style Gallery. To see the Style Gallery, click Format => Theme and click the Style Gallery... button.



Create sections with formatting that differs from other sections

You can use sections to apply different page layout features (page orientation, page numbering, headers and footers, and so on) to different areas of the same document. To create a section break, place your insertion point where you would like the new section to begin and click Insert => Break. In the Section break types portion of the Break dialog box, select the type of break you want. You can have your new section begin on a new page, inline (or continuous) with surrounding text, on the next odd page, or on the next even page.



Use Click and Type

Click and Type allows you to place your insertion point in (practically) any blank area of the document in order to insert text or graphic elements. Click and Type is enabled by default. You can disable Click and Type by clicking Tools => Options, clicking the Edit tab and clearing the Enable Click and type check box.

To use Click and Type, double-click a blank area of the document. The mechanics of Click and Type are actually quite simple: Word 2000 simply places a left-aligned tab stop where you place the insertion point.

Microsoft Word 2000 Help has a good article on Click and Type. To find it, perform a search in Answer Wizard using the string “overview of click and type.”


Managing Files

Locate and open an existing document

To locate and open an existing Word document, press CTRL+O, click the Open button on the Standard toolbar, or click File => Open. You can navigate to your desired file by using the Places bar or by opening the Look in: drop-down list box. If the file you are looking for is not a Word .DOC file, change the search file extension in the Files of type: drop-down list box.

You will notice that the Places Bar in the following graphic has been customized. You can download a wonderful piece of freeware called the WOPR PlaceBar Customizer that will help you do the job.


Use Save and Save As (different name, location or format)


To save a document, press CTRL+S, click the Save button on the Standard toolbar, or click File => Save. To save a document in a different location, under a different name, or in an alternate file format, click File => Save As....


Save as Web Page

To save a Word 2000 document in HTML format, click File => Save as Web Page.... In the Save As dialog box, click Change Title... to change the page title that will appear in your browser’s title bar.


Create a folder

To create a folder from within Microsoft Word 2000, open the Save As or Open dialog box and click the Create New Folder toolbar button.



Create a new document using a Wizard

To create a new document using a wizard, click File => New. Depending upon how Word 2000 has been installed on your machine, the New dialog box will contain multiple sheet tabs that contain various wizards for tasks such as creating memos, faxes, and legal pleadings. To open a new document using a wizard, either double-click the wizard template icon, or select the appropriate icon and click OK.

Note that the New button on the Standard toolbar does not open the Open dialog box; the New button opens a blank document based upon the currently attached template.



Use templates to create a new document

To create a new document using a non-wizard template, follow the instructions under “Create a new document using a wizard,” and substitute one of Word 2000’s other built-in templates for a wizard template.


Create Hyperlinks

In Word 2000, you can create a hyperlink not only to a Web page, but also to a document bookmark, an e-mail address, a new document, or to another existing document. The easiest way to create a hyperlink is to create and select the text that the reader will click to use the hyperlink, and then click the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar. Alternatively, you could click Insert => Hyperlink, or press CTRL+K.

Next, select the type of bookmark in the Link to: portion of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. You will then have slightly different navigation options depending upon what kind of hyperlink you are creating. For example, an Internet hyperlink will require an Internet URL; a hyperlink to a separate file will require a file path, and so on.



Use the Office Assistant

To invoke the Office Assistant manually, click Help => Show the Office Assistant. Using the Office Assistant is as easy as typing a question in its help balloon and clicking Search.

To tweak Office Assistant options, including turning it off permanently, you can either right-click the Office Assistant and choose Options... from the shortcut menu, or you can click the Options button on the Office Assistant help balloon. On the Options tab of the Office Assistant dialog box, clear the Use the Office Assistant check box to turn Office Assistant off permanently.


Send a Word document via e-mail


If you are using Microsoft Outlook and you have configured Outlook to use Word 2000 as your e-mail editor, you can convert any active Word 2000 document into an e-mail message by clicking the E-mail button on the Standard toolbar. Click Send a Copy to send the e-mail message.

Alternatively, you can send the active Word 2000 document either as an e-mail message or as a message attachment by clicking File => Send To, and choosing either Mail Recipient or Mail Recipient (As Attachment) from the cascading submenu.


Using Tables

Create and format tables

There is a multitude of ways to create a Word table:

  1. Draw the table using the Draw Table button on the Tables and Borders toolbar (found by clicking the Tables and Borders button on the Standard toolbar, or by clicking Table => Draw Table).
  2. Clicking the Insert Table button on the Standard toolbar and dragging to select the desired number of rows and columns.
  3. Clicking Table => Insert => Table... and specifying table dimensions in the Insert Table dialog box.

For accuracy and simplicity, I will discuss only the third option. After placing your insertion point where you would like the table to appear and opening the Insert Table dialog box, specify the number of columns and the number of rows, column width options, and whether you would like to apply an AutoFormat to the table.

Once you have created the table, you have a tremendous number of options available for formatting the way data looks and behaves in the table. The first rule is to select the desired cell(s), row(s), or column(s) before making any formatting decision. Select the entire table by placing the cursor anywhere inside the table and clicking ALT+double-click. Try double-clicking inside the table or on a selected cell, column or row- there are many options available there. Remember also that the Table menu contains all of these options, plus more. For global table properties, click Table => Table Properties.



Add borders and shading to tables

To add borders or shading to a table, click anywhere in the table if you want to shade the whole thing, or select just the cell(s) you would like to shade. Next, click Format => Borders and Shading. On the Shading tab, select a fill color from the provided palette (click More Colors... for more color options) and a fill gradient from the Style: drop-down list box.


Revise tables (insert & delete rows and columns, change cell formats)


You can insert and delete rows and columns, and change cell formats within a table. To add rows or columns to a table, select the same number of rows or columns as the number of rows or columns that you want to insert. Next, click Table => Insert, and select the appropriate option from the cascading submenu. Alternatively, you can quickly add a row at the end of a table by clicking the last cell of the last row and pressing the TAB key.

To add a column to the right of the last column in a table, click just outside the rightmost column. Then click Table => Insert and click Columns to the Right in the cascading submenu.

To resize a table, click within the table and rest the mouse pointer in the table until the table resize handle appears. Rest the pointer on the table resize handle until a double-headed arrow appears, and drag the table boundary to the desired size.



To make multiple rows or columns the same size, select the columns or rows that you want to make the same size, right-click in a highlighted area and select either Distribute Columns Evenly or Distribute Rows Evenly from the shortcut menu.



To change the space between cells in a table, place your insertion point within the table and click Table => Properties.... On the Table tab, click Options.... Under Default cell spacing, select Allow spacing between cells and enter the appropriate measurement. To modify the cell format, select and then right-click the cell. A shortcut menu will appear. You can then select the formatting options that you want from there.


Modify table structure (merge cells, change height and width)

To change the column width to a specific measurement, click a cell in the appropriate column. Then, click Table => Table Properties... and click the Column tab. Finally, choose the options that you want. To make the columns in a table automatically fit the contents, click inside the table, click Table => AutoFit, and then click AutoFit to Contents from the cascading submenu.

To change a row height to a specific measurement, click a cell in the desired row. Click Table => Properties..., and then click the Row tab. Finally, select the options you want.

To merge two or more cells into a single, larger cell, select the desired cells and click Table => Merge Cells. To reverse the process, select the desired cells and click Table => Split Cells.

To move an entire table, click inside the table and hover your mouse pointer in the upper right portion of the table until the table move handle appears. Click and drag the table move handle to move the table.


Rotate text in a table

Click the table cell that contains the text that you want to rotate, and then click Format => Text Direction.... Finally, choose the orientation that you want. This works well for rotating text inside of text boxes.



Working with Pictures and Charts

Enable the drawing toolbar

To turn on the drawing toolbar for use, either click the Drawing button from the Standard toolbar or click View => Toolbars => Drawing. Another “hotshot” method for displaying toolbars is right-clicking on any individual toolbar button.


Insert graphics into a document (WordArt, Clip Art, Images)

To insert graphic objects into a document, place the insertion point where you would like the graphic to appear. Next, click the appropriate button or choose the appropriate menu command depending upon the type of art desired.

  1. For WordArt, click the Insert WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar or click Insert => Picture => Word Art.... Browse the WordArt Gallery for the desired image.
  2. For Clip Art, click the Insert Clip Art button on the Drawing toolbar or click Insert => Picture => ClipArt.... Browse the Clip Art Gallery for the desired image.
  3. For images, click Insert => Picture => From File.... Browse for the desired image.