Stand: 07.01.2004 

Copyright by Cramsession
MOUS Word 2000 Expert Expert

Working with Paragraphs

Apply paragraph and section shading

To add shading to a paragraph or to specific text, select what is to be shaded. Click Format => Borders and Shading. On the Shading tab, select the fill and style options that you want. Choose which part of the document you would like to apply shading to by picking either Text or Paragraph from the Apply to: drop-down list box.


Use text flow options (widow/orphan control; keep lines together)

In word processing, a widow is a single line (usually the last line of a paragraph) that appears as the first line of a page. An orphan is a single line (usually the first line of a paragraph) that appears as the last line of a page. For any selected paragraph, you can force Word 2000 to keep at least two lines at the bottom or at the top of each page by enabling widow and orphan control. Click Format => Paragraph, navigate to the Line and Page Breaks tab, and ensure that the Widow/Orphan Control check box is selected.

Keep lines together

The Keep lines together option forces Word 2000 to keep a selected paragraph together across page breaks. If a page break occurs between two lines formatted with Keep lines together, then Word 2000 will move the entire paragraph to the next page to keep the lines together.


To enable Keep lines together, select the lines you want to keep together and then click Format => Paragraph. Click the Line and Page Breaks tab and select the Keep lines together check box. To keep entire paragraphs together, select the check box labeled Keep with next check box.


Sort lists, paragraphs, tables

You can sort information in a table or in a tab or comma-delimited list. Select the target to be sorted and click Table => Sort. You can sort in ascending or descending order, and you can perform a complex sort with up to three criteria.


If your list has a header row, make sure to specify that fact by selecting Header row in the My list has area of the Sort Text dialog box. Similarly, ensure that your sort items are associated with the proper data type. For example, Name is a text data type, while Scores is a numeric data type.


Working with Documents

Create and modify page borders

To add a page border to a document, place the insertion point in the appropriate document section, click Format => Borders and Shading, and then navigate to the Page Border tab. You can then adjust the setting, border style, color, and width as desired. To specify that the page border appear only on a particular page or in a particular section, choose the appropriate setting from the Apply to: drop-down list box. Finally, you can use one of several preset art designs for creating a page border. Select the desired page border design from the Art: drop-down list box.


Format first page differently than subsequent pages

To format the first page of a document differently from the subsequent pages, you first need to insert a section break after the first page. To insert a section break, place the insertion point where you want the second section to begin. Click Insert => Break. In the Break dialog box, click Next page under Section break types. You can easily delete a section break by switching into Normal view, clicking the section break and pressing DELETE.


Use bookmarks

A bookmark in Word 2000 operates similarly to an ordinary bookmark. To add a bookmark to a document, select the text, table or graphic to which you want a bookmark assigned (or simply place the insertion point at the appropriate location), and then click Insert => Bookmark. In the Bookmark dialog box, type a name for the bookmark under Bookmark name: and click Add. The bookmark names you choose must begin with a letter, can contain numbers, but cannot include spaces.


To jump to a particular bookmark, open the Bookmark dialog box, select the appropriate bookmark from the list, and click Go To. Alternatively, you can open the Go To dialog box, click Bookmark under Go to what:, choose the appropriate bookmark from the Enter bookmark name: drop-down list box, and click Next.


To delete a bookmark, open the Bookmark dialog box, select the name of the bookmark to be deleted, and click Delete.


Create and edit styles

The easiest way to create a new paragraph style is to format a paragraph to your specifications, select it, enter a name for the new style in the Style drop-down list box on the Formatting toolbar and press ENTER. This is called creating a new style by example.


To modify style settings, click Format => Style, select the target style and click Modify. In the Modify Style dialog box, you can edit practically any formatting aspect of a style by making the desired selection or selections from the Format: drop-down list. To add a new style to the currently attached template, select Add to template.


To apply a style, simply select the target text and then select the style from the Style drop-down list box on the Formatting toolbar.


Create watermarks

To create a watermark, you must be in Header/Footer view. Once there, click View => Header and Footer. Next, click the Show/Hide Document Text button on the Header and Footer toolbar to hide the text and graphics in the document. On the Standard toolbar, set the zoom level to Whole Page to get a better view of the page. Insert a text box, and then insert the watermark graphic, WordArt or other object inside the text box. Resize and position both the text box and the inserted object in the desired location on the page. Right-click the text box border, choose Format Text Box... from the shortcut menu, and in the Format Text Box dialog box, set the Line Color to No line.


To create the watermark, click the Image Control button on the Picture toolbar and select Watermark from the drop-down list. Switch out of Header/Footer view and verify that the watermark appears behind any text on the page, and that the watermark appears on every page in the document.


Use Find and Replace with formats, special characters and non-printing elements

To use Find and Replace to search for specific formatting, first open the Find and Replace dialog box and click More to reveal the advanced search options. To search for any kind of character formatting, such as text formatted with a particular heading style or highlighted text, make the appropriate choice from the Format drop-down list.


To search for special characters or non-printing elements in a document, make the appropriate choice from the Special drop-down list. For example, to search a document for all instances of p.X (where X is any page number), you would type p. into Find what: and select Any Digit from the Special drop-down list.


Balance column length (using column breaks appropriately)

First, create the columns by using Format => Columns. If your columns are not lining up evenly, switch to Print Layout view and place your cursor at the end of the column that you want to balance. Next, click Insert => Break and insert a continuous section break to have Word 2000 flow and balance the text equally among your defined columns. Additionally, to force a new page to start after the balanced columns, you can place your cursor after the continuous section break and then insert a manual page break. (Tip: you can use CTRL+ENTER to insert a manual page break into a document.)

Create or revise footnotes and endnotes

To create a footnote or endnote, place the cursor and click Insert => Footnote. In the Footnote and Endnote dialog box, specify the note type. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page; endnotes appear as a group on the last page of a document. By default, Word 2000 keeps track of the footnote/endnote numbering for you with AutoNumber. You can view footnotes and endnotes by hovering your insertion point over the note reference mark—a ScreenTip will display the footnote or endnote text. Alternatively, you can click View => Footnotes to open the note pane. Of course, the most direct way to view footnotes or endnotes is either to scan the bottom of each page if you are using footnotes or the last page of the document if you are using endnotes. The easiest way to remove footnote or endnotes is simply to delete the appropriate note reference mark from the body of the document. Word 2000 AutoNumber will renumber all other footnotes or endnotes.


Work with master documents and subdocuments

Master documents are useful for taking large documents and break them into several smaller linked documents. You can also perform global file operations (table of contents, page numbers, and so on) just once to the master document, and have them automatically apply to all subdocuments. Every action you take with master documents requires that you be in Outline view. Make sure that the master document and all subdocuments reside in the same file folder.


To convert a document into a master document, format all headings in the document that are to become subdocuments with the Heading 1 paragraph style. By default, Word 2000 breaks up a main document by using the Heading 1 paragraph style as its marker. Switch to Outline view, press CTRL+A to select the entire document, and click the Create Subdocuments button on the Outlining toolbar.


To add a separate Word document as a subdocument, place the cursor in the master document where you want the new subdocument to appear. Next, click the Insert Subdocument button on the Outlining toolbar and browse for the file.


To open a subdocument, open the master document and switch to Outline View. If the subdocuments are collapsed, click the appropriate subdocument’s hyperlink. If the subdocuments are expanded, double-click the subdocument icon. You can also collapse or expand your view in a master document by clicking the Collapse/Expand Subdocuments button on the Outlining toolbar. (The ScreenTip for this button changes depending upon whether the subdocuments are collapsed or expanded.)


To rename a subdocument, display the master document in Outline view. Click the hyperlink of the subdocument you want to rename, then click File => Save As... and enter a new file name or location. If you rename the subdocument using Windows Explorer, the master document will not be able to locate the linked file.


To combine subdocuments, move the subdocuments you want to combine next to one another. Hold down the shift key and select the both subdocuments by clicking on the icons. Finally, click the Merge Subdocuments button on the Outlining toolbar.


To remove a subdocument from a master document, open the master document in Outline View. Select the subdocument icon for the appropriate subdocument and press DELETE.

Note: This procedure does not delete the actual file; you are simply removing the subdocument from the master document.

Create and modify a table of contents

The easiest way to create a table of contents is to ensure that major headings have been formatted with the Heading 1 paragraph style. Use Heading 2 for second-level headings, and so on. To create the TOC, place the cursor in the appropriate location and click Insert => Index and Tables => Table of Contents tab. Click Options... to change the type and/or order of styles that Word will gather into your TOC. For example, you might have created your own level 1, 2, and 3 paragraph styles and you want Word 2000 to build the TOC using them. Click OK to create the table of contents.



The table of contents is hyperlinked and will need to unlinked from the TOC field before you can directly edit the text. Place the cursor at the beginning of the field and press CTRL+SHIFT+F9 to unlink the table of contents. There is no way to relink the TOC as a field; you should ensure that unlinking and modifying the TOC text is the very last step. If you have changed the content or pagination of the document and want to manually update the TOC, click beside the TOC and press F9 or right-click inside the table of contents and click Update Field from the shortcut menu. In the Update Table of Contents dialog box, choose whether you would like Word 2000 either to update just the page numbers or update the entire table.



Create a cross-reference

To create a cross-reference, place the cursor at the appropriate location and click Insert => Cross-reference. In the Cross-reference dialog box, select the reference type from the Reference type: drop-down list box. You can create a cross-reference for several types of Word objects including headings, figures, bookmarks, and so on. Depending upon which reference type you choose, you will have different options. Make you choice, then select how you want the reference to appear from the Insert reference to: drop-down list box. (The most common choice is Page number). Selecting Insert as hyperlink will allow an online reader to jump to a cross-reference in their browser by clicking this reference in the body text. Selecting, include above/below adds the word “above” or “below” to the cross-reference. Click Insert to complete the process.


Create and modify an index

Creating an index in Word 2000 involves two steps: marking the index entries and generating the index. To mark an index entry, select the appropriate text and press ALT+SHIFT+X. Adjust the text in the Main entry: field as necessary. If the entry is a subentry, re-type the main entry and enter the subentry in the Subentry: field. In the Options area of the Mark Index Entry dialog box, you can either reference the entry's page number or create a See reference by clicking the appropriate option button. If you have several identical index entries, click Mark All. Otherwise, click Mark to continue marking index entries in the document.



Once all of the index entries have been marked, the index can be generated. Place the cursor at the appropriate location, click Insert => Index and Tables, and navigate to the Index tab. Select a predefined index format from the Formats: drop-down list box. If the pagination changes in your document, you can manually update the index by pressing F9 or by right-clicking inside the index and selecting Update Field from the shortcut menu.



Using Tables

Embed worksheets in a table

(This test objective is worded strangely; what I think it means is "Embed Excel 2000 worksheets as a table in a Word 2000 document.")

Place the cursor in the appropriate location and click Insert => Object.... In the Create New tab of the Object dialog box, select Microsoft Excel Worksheet. To display the new worksheet as an icon in the document, select Display as icon. Provided you have Excel 2000 loaded on your system, you can edit the worksheet using Microsoft Excel toolbars and commands. To return to the Word 2000 document, click anywhere outside of the worksheet. The embedded object can be moved and resized like any embedded object. To edit the worksheet again, double-click inside the embedded Excel worksheet.


Perform calculations in a table

To perform calculations in a Word table, select the cell where you want the formula result to appear and click Table => Formula. Word may propose a formula that can be deleted from the Formula: box if it is not appropriate. In the Paste function: box, select a function. To reference the contents of a table cell, type the cell references in the parentheses within the formula. Word tables do not contain column or row headings, therefore, you have to "assume" that the columns are labeled with letters (A, B, C, etc.) and the rows are labeled with numbers. You can use words like "above," "below," "left" and "right" in your formulas as well. The results cell can be formatted by selecting the desired option from the Number format: drop-down list box. You can select the field and press F9 any time to manually update the calculation. There is no auto update function unless you write a custom macro or VBA code to do this.


Link Excel data as a table

To link Excel data as a table in a Word 2000 document, place the cursor in the appropriate location in the document and open the Excel workbook that contains the data to be linked. Select the data in Excel, right-click within the selected cells and choose Copy from the shortcut menu. Switch back to Word 2000 and click Edit => Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box, select Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object under As:, click Paste link, and then click OK. The linked Excel data now appears inside Word 2000.



To link an entire Excel 2000 worksheet, the procedure varies. Place the cursor in the appropriate location in Word and click Insert => Object.... Click the Create from File tab in the Object dialog box and click Browse... to locate the Excel workbook that contains the data to be linked to Word. When you have found it, click OK to return to the Object dialog box. Finally, select Link to file to create the link and OK to complete the action.


Modify worksheets in a table

Click once on a linked Excel table to move, resize or delete the table. Double-click to activate the link. Excel opens and loads the linked file, as the table in Word is nothing other than a pointer to the separate Excel workbook file.


Working with Pictures and Charts

Add bitmapped graphics

To add a bitmapped graphic to Word 2000, place the cursor in the document and click Insert => Object => From File.... In the Insert Picture dialog box, browse to find the desired image and click OK.



Browsing for a picture is easier if you can see a preview of the available images. In the Insert Picture dialog box, click Preview in the Views drop-down list box to enable image previews.



Delete and position graphics

Delete a graphic by clicking it once and pressing DELETE. Position a graphic on a page by clicking anywhere inside the graphic and dragging the graphic to its new location. The graphic’s text wrapping options are controlled by the settings on the Layout tab of the Format Object dialog box.

Create and modify charts

To create a new chart, click Insert => Object, In the Create New tab, select Microsoft Graph 2000 Chart under Object type:. This starts the Microsoft Graph 2000 subprogram. You can then replace the sample data and begin to create your chart. Switch back to Word 2000 by clicking anywhere outside the chart or datasheet area. You can move, resize or delete the embedded chart object in the usual manner. To edit the chart, simply double-click it to invoke Microsoft Graph 2000. If the datasheet does not appear, click the Show Datasheet button on the Graph 2000 Standard toolbar. To make the chart object freely movable in the document, right-click the object and click Format Object... in the shortcut menu. In the Format Object dialog box, navigate to the Layout tab and click In front of text.


Import data into charts

To import Microsoft Excel data into a Microsoft Graph 2000 chart object, double-click the chart object in Word 2000 to invoke Microsoft Graph 2000. Select the top leftmost cell in the datasheet. Next, click Edit => Import File.... In the Import File dialog box, browse to locate the Excel workbook that contains the requisite data and click OK. In the Import Data Options dialog box, select the appropriate sheet and specify whether you want the entire sheet's contents or just a specific range of cells. Click OK to complete the operation.


Using Mail Merge

Create a main document

The first step in a successful mail merge is to create the main document. In this example, we will perform a form letter mail merge. To create the main document, first create the skeleton form letter. Next, click Tools => Mail Merge. In the Main document area of the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, select Form Letters... from the Create drop-down list. In the subsequent dialog box, click Active Window to specify the skeleton form letter as the main document.


Create a data source

The data source is the list of names and addresses that will be combined with the form letter. In the Data source area of the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, select Create Data Source... from the Get Data drop-down list. In the Create Data Source dialog box you will have the opportunity to build a Word table that will contain the information to be used in the mail merge.



To place merge fields into the main document, use the Window menu to return to your main document. Place the cursor in the appropriate location and select the necessary merge fields from the Insert Merge Field drop-down list on the Mail Merge toolbar. Make sure to manually insert the necessary spaces and commas between fields.


Sort records to be merged

To sort records to be merged, open the data source document and open the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. In the Merge the data with the document area, click Query Options.... You can then perform complex queries and/or sorts by making the appropriate choices under the Filter Records and Sort Records tabs of the Query Options dialog box.


Merge the main document with the data source

To merge the data source with the main document, open the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. In the Merge the data with the document area, click Merge.... In the Merge dialog box, specify whether where you would like the merge results to go (to a new document, to the printer, and so on), which records you want merged, and whether or not you want Word 2000 to print blank lines (useful if some records have two address fields and others have only one).


Generate labels

To generate labels using mail merge, open a new document and click Tools => Mail Merge. In the Main document area of the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, select Mailing Labels... from the Create drop-down list. In the subsequent dialog box, click Active Window to specify the active window as the main document.


Follow the instructions given above for creating a data source. To specify the type of mailing label, click Setup... in the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. Specify the label’s make and model in the Label Options dialog box. Click OK to proceed to the Create Labels dialog box and insert your merge fields.


In the Create Labels dialog box, use the Insert Merge Field drop-down list to add the appropriate merge fields to the label. Note that you must manually add punctuation such as spaces and commas.



The procedure for completing a mailing label merge is exactly the same as the procedure for completing a form letter merge.

Merge a document using alternate data sources


If you need to use an alternate data source for a merge, such as an Access table or an Excel worksheet, select Open Data Source... from the Get Data drop-down list of the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. Make sure to select the appropriate file type from the Files of type: drop-down list in the Open Data Source dialog box.



Select which portion of the chosen Excel workbook or Access database table you would like to use as your data source. You will have the opportunity to add the fields in the newly imported data as Merge Fields in your main document.


Using Advanced Features

Insert a field

A field is an element of dynamic information. To insert a field into a Word 2000 document, place the cursor where you want to insert the field and click Insert => Field. Choose a category and field name. Click Options... to add optional parameters, or switches, to the desired field code.



When a field is updated, either automatically by Word 2000 or manually when you press F9, the selected field executes whatever it has been programmed to do.



To edit information in a field code, display the field codes rather than the field result. Right-click within the field and choose Toggle Field Codes from the shortcut menu, or select the field and press SHIFT+F9. You can then edit the field code text directly.


Field codes can be created manually. There are many switches that are not available in the Insert Field dialog box. To manually create empty field brackets, place your cursor and press CTRL+F9.

Create, apply and edit macros

To create a macro, thoroughly map out what actions you want the macro to perform. When you are ready to record, click Tools => Macro => Record New Macro.... Give the macro a name (no spaces are allowed), select to store the macro in the current template or in the current document, add an optional description, and optionally assign the macro to either a custom keystroke or to a custom toolbar button.


It is important to note that the macro recorder does not record mouse movements. It is advisable to perform as many steps as possible using the keyboard.



To run a macro, you can either use the custom keystroke or toolbar button you assigned, or click Tools => Macro => Macros... and select the desired macro from the list. Click Run to execute the macro, or Edit to edit the macro procedure. There is no way to edit an existing macro other than by entering the Visual Basic Editor and directly manipulating Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code.


To edit a macro in the Visual Basic Editor, find the desired macro in the code window and edit the Visual Basic procedure directly. To close the Visual Basic Editor, click File => Close and Return to Microsoft Word.


For more in depth information about Visual Basic for Applications beyond the scope of this Cramsession, a goof source is Writing Word Macros, by Steven Roman, published by O'Reilly Publishing.


Copy, rename and delete macros

To copy macros between documents or templates, access the Organizer. Click Tools => Templates and Add-Ins. In the Templates and Add-ins dialog box, click Organizer. Navigate to the Macro Project Items tab.

In this example, let us say that we have macros attached to the current document, and we wanted to copy them to the default template, Ensure that your active document is listed in Macro Project Items available in: and not the template (Sample Document.doc). Ensure that the list box on the other side of Organizer does list the template ( Unfortunately, there is no way outside of entering the Visual Basic Editor to copy individual macros between templates or documents. For our purposes, we have to copy them as a bunch. Ensure NewMacros in your document is highlighted and click Copy.



To rename or delete macros, open the Macros dialog by clicking Tools => Macro => Macros.... Select the appropriate macro and click Delete, or type a new name for the macro in the Macro name: box. Note that you can only rename or delete your own macros.


Another way to find Organizer is to click Tools => Macro => Macros... and click Organizer... in the Macros dialog box.


Create and modify a form

To create forms for users to view and complete online in Word 2000, you must use the form controls located on the Forms toolbar. A quick way to display the Forms toolbar is to right-click any available toolbar button and select Forms from the shortcut menu.



The best way to create an online form is to create a template, physically lay out the form, add the actual form field controls, and finally protect the template.


To prevent the form from being modified, click the Protect Form button. An even better way to do this is to click Tools => Protect Document. In the Protect Document dialog box, click Forms: under Protect document for, and optionally add a password. You will be asked to confirm the password by retyping it.


A form must be unprotected in order to you to modify the form controls.

Create and modify a form control (for example, add an item to a drop-down list)

In this example we will create a drop-down list box for a form. Start by placing your cursor in the document and clicking the Drop-Down Form Field button on the Forms toolbar. Right-click inside the gray form field and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. In the Drop-Down Form Field Options dialog box, begin entering drop-down list items in the Drop-down item: text box and click Add to generate the list. The Move arrows will allow you to reorder the list items as needed.



When you are ready to try out the drop-down list field, simply click the Protect Form button on the Forms toolbar. The drop-down list should now be fully functional.


Use advanced text alignment features with graphics

Remember that inserted ClipArt or a bitmapped image behaves in Word 2000 as if it were a single text character. To position a drawing object in relation to the page or surrounding text, right-click the object that you want to position and choose Format Picture... from the shortcut menu. In the Format Picture dialog box, navigate to the Layout tab, and click Advanced.... The Picture Position tab of the Advanced Layout dialog box gives you a tremendous degree of control over how the image is oriented to the margin or to the page as a whole. The Text Wrapping tab allows you to control the behavior of surrounding text in relation to the inserted graphic. Spend a lot of time experimenting with each and every option in this dialog box until you are thoroughly familiar with how they all behave.


Customize toolbars

The Customize dialog box must be open before you can perform any toolbar customizations. To open the Customize dialog box, right-click any available toolbar button and choose Customize... from the shortcut menu. Alternatively, click Tools => Customize.... A third method is to click View => Toolbars => Customize....


To add a toolbar button, click the Commands tab of the Customize dialog box. Select a toolbar category, and scroll through the individual commands. There are far more toolbar buttons than what are given by default on the Standard and Formatting toolbars. Click and drag the desired command button to a location on an existing toolbar. Alternatively, you can drag a command into a menu by simply pointing to a menu, letting it open, and placing the new command at the desired location in the menu. To remove an existing toolbar or menu option, simply drag it off the toolbar and into the document area. Remember that the Customize dialog box must be open!


To create a new toolbar, click the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box and click New....Name the new toolbar and decide whether you want the new toolbar attached to the current document or to the current template. When you click OK you will see a new, blank toolbar. Follow the procedure given above to add toolbar buttons to a toolbar.



Toolbars can be undocked and redocked by clicking and dragging them by their grab bars. An undocked toolbar may be moved by dragging its title bar.


Collaborating with Workgroups

Create and format tables

To create a new table, you can either click and drag the Insert Table button on the Standard toolbar, or you can click Table => Insert => Table... and specify the desired table properties in the Insert Table dialog box.



You can format tables quickly by placing your cursor within the table and clicking Table => Table AutoFormat.... In the Table AutoFormat dialog box, select a format in the Formats: list. You can also selectively reject certain formatting elements by clearing the appropriate check box(es).


Insert comments

To insert a comment, place the cursor at the appropriate location and click Insert => Comment. Type the comment into the comment pane at the bottom of the screen. Word 2000 generates the author's name from the information provided in the User Information tab of the Options properties sheet under the Tools menu.


The easiest way to read comments is to hover your insertion point over the commented text. The ScreenTip will display the comment along with the author's name. To edit or delete a comment, right-click the comment text and choose the appropriate command from the shortcut menu.


Protect documents

To control access to your document, click Tools => Options and navigate to the Save tab. Under File sharing options for, you can specify a password to open and/or modify the document. Enable the Read-only recommended option if you want to allow your readers the opportunity to review your document without the ability to save changes.


Create multiple versions of a document

Word 2000's versioning feature allows you to save your document at various stages of completion without having to save separate copies of the file. To save a version of your document, click File => Versions.... Alternatively, you can open the Save As dialog box and click Tools => Save Version... from the menu bar. In the Versions in dialog box, click Save Now.... Enter any optional comments in the Save Version dialog box and click OK. If you want Word 2000 to generate versions automatically, select Automatically save a version on close.



To open a version, simple open the Versions in dialog, select the desired version and click Open. Note that if you want to save any changes to the opened version you will have to save the version as a separate document. To delete a version, click Delete in the Versions in dialog box.

Track changes to a document

To track changes while editing a document, click Tools => Track Changes => Highlight Changes.... In the Highlight Changes dialog box, select Track changes while editing. You also have the opportunity to specify whether you want to see revision marks either on screen or in the printed document.



To accept or reject tracked changes, press CTRL+HOME to place your cursor at the beginning of the document. Next, click Tools => Track Changes => Accept or Reject Changes.... In the Accept or Reject Changes dialog box, click Find to quickly locate marked areas. You can then selectively accept or reject any changed information at your discretion.


Note: You can double-click the TRK area of the status bar to quickly turn Track Changes on or off. By right-clicking TRK you can display the Track Changes options or either accept or reject the changes.


Set default file location for workgroup templates

Workgroup templates are Word templates that are stored on a network server and that appear in the File => New dialog box along with all of your locally-stored Word templates. To specify in Word 2000 where to look for workgroup templates, click Tools => Options and navigate to the File Locations tab. Select Workgroup templates under File types:, and click Modify... to browse to the network location where the shared templates are stored.


Round Trip documents from HTML

The idea behind HTML round-tripping is that with the exception of file versions and document passwords, all of Word 2000's formatting features will be correctly preserved when you save documents between Word's .DOC file format and the Internet's .HTM file format. To open an HTML document in Word 2000, click File => Open.... Under Files of type:, select Web Pages. Browse, open and edit the file as you would any other Word 2000 document.


To save a Word 2000 document as an HTML file, click File => Save As Web Page.... In the Save As dialog box, click Change Title... to change the title that will appear in the Web browser's title bar.