Banners - Mainly used in conjunction with
Navigation View, Navigation Bars and Shared Borders to provide consistency to a Web. When
used with Shared Borders, the page title entered when creating a page in the Navigation
View will appear as a text overlay on the graphical banner of your choice. Banners can be
chosen from a pre-defined Theme or a custom banner can be used instead. (KB# Q174421)
Banner Ad Manager - Displays successive
banner-sized images according to a timed schedule. Uses a Java class applet
on the target system. The banner is linked to a pre-defined URL. Server Extensions
are not required for this component to function. (KB# Q173438)
Cascading Style Sheets Support (CSS) - Created
using <STYLE>...</STYLE> tags. Should only be used with version 4 or higher
Netscape and IE browsers (IE3 support for CSS is limited). FP98 does not have a Style
Sheets Wizard, but styles can be manually defined for some items by using the
"Styles" button that appears on some dialog boxes in FrontPage Editor. (KB# Q179628
and Q180827)
Database Region Wizard - Uses Active Server Pages
(.ASP) technology. Requires an ODBC Data Source Name that is provided by your System
Administrator. Database is accessed by means of an SQL Query String. Files created with
the Database Region Wizard should be saved with the .ASP filename extension as they
contain scripting that must be processed on the Web server. Save .ASP files in a directory
with at least script permission or they will not work. (KB#s Q174008,
and Q175771)
Discussion Web Wizard - Builds a Web-based
discussion forum with threaded messages for increased user interaction. Can be added as a
sub-Web or integrated into an existing Web solution. (KB# Q250839)
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) - Allows Webmaster to add
animation and visual effects to a Web page. Accessed through Format > Animation... and
Format > Page Transition... menus in FrontPage Editor. Generally supported by version 4
browsers and higher. Best support obtained by using IE - test all DHTML pages before
deploying on a production server. (KB# Q173422)
Form Handling/Validation - FP98's built in form
handling features use pre-compiled CGI scripts allowing you to write your form results to
file, e-mail them to a responsible party, or both. Validation can be either client or
server side using JavaScript or VBScript. Using validation prevents users from submitting
data that does not comply with the restrictions you have set in place. Confirmation forms
can also be displayed using form field names. (KB# Q194088)
Hit Counter - a graphical odometer embedded into
your page that counts the number of times your page has been accessed, or "hit".
Requires FrontPage Server Extensions on Web server. Five default styles to choose from.
Can be reset to a higher/lower number or restricted to a fixed length. (KB# Q187773)
Include Page - WebBot Component that simplifies
site management by inserting one HTML page inside another. Should be used when a Shared
Border does not provide flexibility needed or when content needs to be inserted into a
TABLE field. By default, Include Page will import everything between the
<BODY>...</BODY> tags in the included document.
Insert HTML - FP98 has an extremely annoying habit
of reformatting (Microsoft calls it "checking for correctness") all HTML code
you manually enter using the HTML View in FrontPage Editor. If you want to stop FP98 from
destroying a section of code, use Insert > FrontPage Component > Insert HTML in
FrontPage Editor. Enter your HTML in the space provided and FP98 will place it in your
document between these tags "<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan -->...<!--webbot
bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->"
Internet Database Connector - Older technology
that does not use Active Server pages. Queries an ODBC database by means of an
Internet Database Connector (.IDC) file. Query results are returned by the Web server in
an HTML extensions file (.HTX). (KB# Q174407)
Navigation Bars - Used with Navigation View and
Shared Borders. Contains a list of text links or graphical buttons with text overlays.
Navigation Bar hyperlinks are managed by FP98. To add, remove, or rename items on a
Navigation Bar, use the Navigation View in FrontPage Explorer. Microsoft recommends that
you let FrontPage handle your navigation and that you should use this feature. (KB# Q180836)
Scheduled Image/Include Page - allows insertion of
an image or HTML page that will be specified for a specified time or date. You can specify
and alternate image/page to be displayed before and after the scheduled item. After
scheduling a component, remember to Recalculate Hyperlinks in FrontPage Explorer or the
feature will not work! (KB# Q194172)
Scripting - FP98 includes a Scripting Wizard.
Remember that when VBScript is used on the Web server, you are limited to only Microsoft
Web servers but can use any browser. When VBScript is used on the Client Side, you are
limited to Microsoft IE3 and higher.(KB# Q194063)
Search Form - Lets you add search capabilities to
your Web. Searches all documents in your Web except for those stored in the
"_private" folder. Integrated with Index Server on IIS4. Creates an .IDQ file
which queries Index Sever; results returned as a .HTX file (stored in the
"_derived" hidden directory). The .IDQ file is stored in the
"_vti_bin" hidden folder in your Web. FP98 Uses a WAIS search engine and text
indices stored in the "_vti_txt" hidden directory when Index Server is not
present. (KB# Q194075 and Q194484)
Shared Borders - Used in conjunction with Banners,
Navigational Bars and Navigation View to provide consistency to a Web. There are four
borders that can be defined, top, bottom, left, and right. It is not possible to have two
different items in a shared border in the same Web, (e.g. different copyright information
for Marketing and Customer Support divisions in bottom Shared Border). Consider using
Include Page feature or creating sub-Webs instead. (KB# Q173435)
Tasks View - Multi-user To-do list and Enterprise
feature of FP98. Allows multiple Webmasters to maintain a site without duplication of
effort by assigning tasks to individuals or groups. It is important to understand this
feature thoroughly before writing exam 70-055.
Templates and Wizards - sets of predesigned
documents that contain the structure, but not the content for new Webs or individual pages
that are being created.
Themes - A pre-defined set of graphics (.GIF
files) and Cascading Style Sheets documents that can be applied to a Web to give it
consistency and a professional appearance. Themes View in FP Explorer sets properties for
the entire Web whereas Themes properties for individual pages can be altered in FP Editor.
Themes are stored in the "_themes" hidden folder in your Web. (KB# Q173421
and Q180821)
Visual SourceSafe Integration - Functions like RCS
for UNIX. Automated by FP98 Server Extensions when enabled. When user opens a document, it
is "checked out", preventing other users from accessing file. When user closes
document, it is "checked (back) in" again. This prevents different users working
on the same file at the same time and overwriting each other's changes. (KB# Q189368
and Q194544)